Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification Training

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Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification Training

Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €169.00.

Are you tired of feeling like a yellow belt in your workplace? Well, it’s time for you to upgrade to a Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification with the GSDC Lean Six Sigma program!


But what exactly will you gain from this certification, you ask? Well, let’s get into the details. You’ll learn key concepts such as process mapping, data analysis, problem-solving, and waste reduction. Plus, you’ll have the tools and techniques to identify and eliminate inefficiencies, enhance productivity, and drive continuous improvement.


And the best part? Your newfound expertise in Lean Six Sigma will make you a valuable asset to any organization seeking to improve their operations. With your certification, you’ll be able to contribute to organizational efficiency and effectiveness like never before.


Our certification program, available for training at the esteemed Training Estonia centers in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, equips you with the necessary skills to become a process improvement superhero. Say goodbye to inefficiencies and hello to operational excellence!


So why wait? Upgrade to a Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification with the GSDC program and become the process improvement hero your workplace needs!


You can also take your Lean Six Sigma skills to the next level with our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification or aim higher with our prestigious Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification.

Sample Certificate

What is Included

Expert Curated E-Learning

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Practice Exams

Mocks curated by SME’s will help you to pass final certification exam.


Certify your achievement with a globally valid certification.

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After the successful achievement of LSSYB Certification, professional mainly would be:
1. Master Lean Six Sigma methodologies with expertise
2. Demonstrate excellence in improving processes effectively
3. Enhance problem-solving and data analysis skills
4. Gain knowledge about the origins of Lean and Lean thinking
5. Recognize the five principles of Lean and the eight types of waste
6. Boost organizational efficiency and effectiveness
7. Identify and eliminate process inefficiencies proactively
8. Lead continuous improvement and waste reduction efforts
9. Accelerate career growth with a valuable certification


  • This Certification is suitable for beginners, practitioners, and executives who want a better understanding of Lean & Six Sigma and who are seeking a Yellow Belt Certification.


1.Syllabus Overview:

  • Overview of Lean Six Sigma
  • Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma
  • Defining Quality and Its Significance
  • Understanding the Importance of Quality
  • Tools for Ensuring Quality

2.Lean Principles:

  • Exploring Lean Principles
  • Tracing the Historical Evolution of Lean
  • Value Creation in Lean Processes
  • Lean Process Optimization

3.Six Sigma Concepts:

  • Unpacking the Concept of Six Sigma
  • The Historical Development of Six Sigma
  • Distinguishing Good Quality from Six Sigma Quality
  • Practical Application of Six Sigma

4.DMAIC Methodology:

  • DMAIC Overview
  • Defining Tollgates in DMAIC
  • The Purpose of the Define Phase
  • Project Planning and Timeline Development
  • Stakeholder Analysis in DMAIC
  • Crafting a Communication Plan
  • SIPOC Mapping for Process Understanding
  • Gathering the Voice of the Customer (VOC)

5.Measurement Phase:

  • Objectives of the Measurement Phase
  • Designing a Data Collection Plan
  • Assessing Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
  • Evaluating Process Stability and Capability
  • Measurement Tollgate Evaluation

6.Analysis Phase:

  • Goals of the Analysis Phase
  • Establishing Process Sigma Levels
  • Conducting Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  • Utilizing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques
  • Control Impact Matrix Analysis

7.Improvement Phase:

  • Objectives of the Improvement Phase
  • Developing Potential Solutions
  • Selection of the Most Appropriate Solution
  • Pilot Testing of the Selected Solution
  • Crafting an Implementation Plan
  • Mapping the New Process
  • Evaluation at the Improvement Tollgate

8.Control Phase:

  • Purpose of the Control Phase
  • Creating a Control Plan
  • Implementing Control Measures
  • Utilizing Control Charts for Monitoring
  • Realizing the Benefits of Process Improvements
  • Closing the Project Successfully


There are no mandatory pre-requisites for LSSYB but below are few recommendations:

  • Recommended to have training on Lean Six Sigma through a qualified training institutions.
  • Recommended to have Lean Six Sigma work Experience.

Exam Details

The Yellow Belt assessment criteria are as follows:

  • The theoretical exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions.
  • The pass mark for this exam is set at 65% of the total marks.
  • The duration of the exam is 40 minutes.
  • This is a closed book exam.
  • You must be able to identify yourself with photographic ID.
  • Incase Participant do not score passing % then they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up-to 30 days from date of 1st exam attempt.


1. What distinguishes the GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification from other Lean Six Sigma certifications, and what value does it provide to professionals in the industry?

  • The GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification is a globally recognized certification that validates professionals’ understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology and their ability to apply it to business processes. It provides value to professionals in the industry by demonstrating their expertise in Lean Six Sigma and enhancing their marketability to potential employers.

2.In what ways does obtain a GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification benefit professionals in terms of career advancement, salary, and professional development, and what sets it apart from other industry certifications?

  • Obtaining a GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification provides several benefits to professionals, including improved problem-solving skills, enhanced process efficiency, and opportunities for career growth and development. This certification sets professionals apart from others in the industry by demonstrating their commitment to quality and continuous improvement.

3.How long does the GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification remain valid, and what is required to maintain certification status?

  • GSDC certifications have lifetime validity, meaning that there are no annual renewal fees or requirements to retake the examination to maintain certification status. This provides professionals with the confidence and security of having a certification that is recognized and respected throughout their careers.

4.What are some of the benefits of an organization having employees with GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, and how does it improve the organization’s overall performance and quality?

  • Organizations benefit from having employees with GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification by having a workforce that is trained to identify and eliminate waste, reduce errors and defects, and improve overall process efficiency. This, in turn, leads to improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and a competitive advantage in the market.

5.Which job roles may benefit most from obtaining a GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, and how does it contribute to their professional development and career growth?

  • Job roles that may benefit from obtaining a GSDC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification include Quality Engineers, Process Improvement Analysts, Business Analysts, and Operations Managers. This certification provides professionals with a framework to analyze and improve business processes, which can lead to improved job performance, career advancement, and personal growth.

6. What is the difference between Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Certification?

  • The main difference between Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Certification is the level of expertise and depth of knowledge. Yellow Belt Certification provides a basic understanding of the tools and techniques, while Green Belt Certification goes into greater detail and provides more in-depth training on Lean Six Sigma methodology.

7.Who should get Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification?

  • Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification is ideal for professionals who are interested in improving their organization’s processes, such as project managers, team leaders, process improvement specialists, and quality assurance professionals.

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