Certified Performance & Competency Developer Training

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Certified Performance & Competency Developer Training

Original price was: €699.00.Current price is: €349.00.

The Certified Performance & Competency Developer (CPCD) certification is a professional certification designed for individuals who already have relevant knowledge and experience in the field of performance and competency development. This certification recognizes the skills and expertise of professionals in developing and managing performance and competency systems in their organizations.

By earning this certification, professionals can demonstrate their proficiency to employers and clients, making them more competitive in the job market. The relevance and benefits of the CPCD certification are significant as it provides professionals with a recognized industry standard that demonstrates their expertise in the field of performance and competency development.


Join the CPCD certification program to enhance your knowledge, skills, and credibility in performance and competency development. Training Estonia is committed to providing a high-quality learning experience that equips participants with the competencies required to excel in their roles and advance their careers.

Sample Certificate

What is Included

Expert Curated E-Learning

Learn from the best

Practice Exams

Mocks curated by SME’s will help you to pass final certification exam.


Certify your achievement with a globally valid certification.

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  • Recognition of expertise.
  • Increased credibility with employers and clients.
  • Expanded career opportunities.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.
  • Improved organizational performance and productivity.
  • Add value to an organization through strategic guidance and solutions.
  • Professional networking opportunities.
  • Opportunities for ongoing professional development.
  • Competitive advantage in the job market.
  • Increased earning potential.


  • Develop and manage effective performance and competency systems by becoming proficient in CPCD.
  • Improve your credibility and demonstrate your knowledge of performance and competency management systems by getting certified in CPCD.
  • Expand your career prospects in consulting and training by achieving CPCD certification.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest best practices in performance and competency development through ongoing CPCD professional development.
  • Transform your organization’s performance, productivity, and workforce competency with the expertise of CPCD-certified professionals.
  • By providing strategic guidance and solutions to improve business outcomes, CPCD-certified professionals add value to their organizations.


  • Human resources professionals
  • Talent management specialists
  • Learning and development professionals
  • Performance improvement experts
  • Consultants
  • Trainers


Competency and Performance Management:

  • Understanding Competency
  • The Competency Iceberg Model
  • Types of Competencies
  • Measuring Competency
  • Performance Aspects
  • Types of Performance Measurement
  • Performance and Competence Management System (PCMS) Model

The Balanced Scorecard Approach:

  • Performance Planning
  • Understanding the Balanced Scorecard
  • The Cascading Process
  • Measures in the Balanced Scorecard

Competency Frameworks and Maps:

  • Introduction to Competencies
  • Competency Maps/Frameworks
  • Types of Competency Frameworks
  • Uses of Competency Frameworks
  • Creating a Competency Map
  • Quantifying Competency Frameworks
  • Threshold Trait Analysis
  • Using BARS for Competency Maps
  • Implementing the Mapping Process

Performance Review Systems:

  • Models for Performance Reviews
  • Perspectives Involved in Performance Reviews
  • Performance Rating Methods
  • Common Problems with Performance Ratings
  • Legal Aspects of Performance Appraisals

Assessment Centers:

  • Understanding Assessment Centers
  • Historical Perspective on Assessment Centers
  • Basic Steps Followed in an Assessment Center
  • Types of Techniques Used in Assessment Centers

Performance Analysis and Improvement:

  • From Training to Performance
  • Identifying the Root Cause
  • Identifying Casual Factors
  • Setting Learning Goals and Objectives
  • Selecting the Best Training Method and Understanding Learner Types

Exam Details

  • 90-minutes exam.
  • 40-multiple choice questions (MCQ).
  • 26 out of 40-65% is needed to pass.
  • In case the participant does not score the passing percentage, they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.


Who is the target audience for the Certified Performance & Competency Developer?

  • The CPCD certification is designed for performance management and competency development professionals, such as HR managers, performance consultants, talent management professionals, and learning and development specialists.

What is the Performance & Competency Developer certification and what advantages does it offer?

  • The CPCD certification is a globally recognized certification that validates the expertise of professionals in performance management and competency development. It covers various topics, including performance analysis, goal setting, feedback, coaching, and competency mapping. The benefits of obtaining this certification include improved credibility, increased job opportunities, and higher earning potential.

What job prospects are available for CPCD certification holders?

  • CPCD professionals have excellent job prospects as many organizations require skilled experts in performance management and competency development. These professionals can work in various industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and technology, in roles such as HR managers, performance consultants, talent management specialists, and learning and development managers.

What is the significance of CPCD certification in the industry?

  • The Certified Performance & Competency Developer is highly relevant in the industry as it addresses the critical need for performance management and competency development. As organizations increasingly recognize the importance of effective performance management systems and competency frameworks to drive employee engagement, productivity, and business results, CPCD-certified professionals are in high demand to design, implement, and evaluate these systems and frameworks.

How long is the CPCD certification valid?

  • One of the advantages of GSDC certifications is that they don’t expire, which means you won’t have to go through the hassle of renewing them or paying any fees.

What are the benefits of CPCD certification for organizations?

  • Certified Performance & Competency Developer professionals can bring significant benefits to organizations, such as increased employee engagement, improved performance, and productivity, better alignment of employee goals with organizational objectives, and reduced turnover rates. Additionally, these professionals can help organizations identify skills gaps, develop competency-based training programs, and create a culture of continuous learning and development.

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About Training Estonia

As an Authorized Training Partner proudly associated with the Global Skills Development Council (GSDC), we at Training Estonia have over 27 years of experience empowering individuals and organizations through customized IT education. 

We get to know each learner, understand their goals, and create tailored training plans that provide cutting-edge skills aligned with the latest technologies. 

With certifications from the globally recognized GSDC and training from experts affiliated with institutions like Harvard, our learners are equipped with future-ready skillsets that allow them to advance their careers and businesses. We invite driven, ambitious learners to get in touch to see firsthand how our strategic approach unlocks their full potential.

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