Certified DevSecOps Engineer Training

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Certified DevSecOps Engineer Training

Original price was: €299.00.Current price is: €169.00.

Looking to take your DevSecOps game to the next level? Look no further than the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer (CDSOE) certification! This highly sought-after certification is perfect for seasoned DevSecOps professionals who want to showcase their expertise in developing, deploying, and maintaining secure software solutions using the latest DevSecOps methodologies.


And guess what? You can get certified at Training Estonia, the premier training center for DevSecOps in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania! Our expert trainers will guide you through advanced concepts like automation, continuous integration and delivery, risk management, compliance, and security testing. Plus, you’ll learn how to create, implement, and oversee secure software pipelines that comply with the highest industry standards.


But why bother getting certified, you ask? Well, simply put, having a GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification is a valuable asset in today’s job market. It shows potential employers, peers, and clients that you’re dedicated to maintaining top-tier security standards throughout the software development lifecycle. Plus, you’ll establish yourself as a leader in the DevSecOps community and stand out from the crowd.


So if you’re ready to take your DevSecOps skills to new heights, sign up for Training Estonia’s GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer course today! It’s the smartest move you’ll make for your career (unless you count that time you dressed up as a robot for Halloween).

Sample Certificate

What is Included

Expert Curated E-Learning

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Practice Exams

Mocks curated by SME’s will help you to pass final certification exam.


Certify your achievement with a globally valid certification.

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  • Boosts candidates’ confidence and empowers them to take on more challenging Devsecops roles
  • Demonstrates proficiency in Devsecops
  • Develops skills in secure software.
  • Enhances knowledge in key areas.
  • Enables leadership in secure development
  • Builds reputation in Devsecops


  • The purpose, benefits, concepts, and vocabulary of DevSecOps
  • Certify the candidate’s proficiency in developing secure software solutions using devsecops methodologies
  • Evaluate the candidate’s capacity to design, implement, and oversee secure software pipelines that comply with industry standards
  • Assess the candidate’s expertise in automation, continuous integration and delivery, risk management, compliance, and security testing
  • Demonstrate the candidate’s dedication to maintaining the highest security standards throughout the software development lifecycle
  • Provide candidates with a valuable asset to highlight their knowledge and abilities to potential employers, peers, and clients
  • Enable candidates to progress their careers and remain competitive in the devsecops field


  • Compliance Team
  • Delivery Staff
  • DevOps Engineers
  • IT Managers
  • IT Security Professionals, Practitioners, and Managers
  • Testers
  • Managed Service Providers
  • Project & Product Managers
  • Quality Assurance Teams
  • Release Managers
  • Scrum Masters
  • Site Reliability Engineers
  • Software Engineers


1. Overview

  • Definition of DevOps and DevSecOps
  • Historical Origins and related concepts
  • Advantages of implementing DevSecOps
  • Guiding principles of DevOps
  • Key concepts of DevSecOps
  • Overview of the DevSecOps Manifesto
  • Addressing security challenges with DevSecOps
  • Implementing security as code
  • Benefits of DevSecOps in CI/CD pipelines
  • Applying DevSecOps in a prototypical business scenario
  • The business case for DevSecOps: Cutting costs through shifting left
  • Roles, responsibilities, and Collaboration in DevSecOps

2. Journey with SDLC

  • Introduction to DevSecOps within the SDLC
  • Navigating the DevSecOps journey in the software development life cycle
  • Maturity models for implementing DevSecOps

3. Phase-wise SDLC Integration with DevSecOps

  • Incorporating DevSecOps in the Planning phase
  • Integrating DevSecOps in the Coding Phase
  • DevSecOps considerations during the Building phase
  • The importance of static application security testing (SAST) and software composition analysis (SCA)
  • DevSecOps practices in the Testing phase
  • Deploying securely with DevSecOps
  • Operating securely with DevSecOps
  • Dispelling myths associated with DevSecOps

4. DevOps Basics

  • Exploring the concept of DevOps
  • Incorporating security into the DevOps workflow

5. DevSecOps Foundation

  • Challenges faced in implementing DevSecOps
  • Importance of DevSecOps in modern software development

6. Beginning the DevSecOps Journey

  • Understanding the Shift Left security approach
  • Common aspects of DevOps and Cloud computing
  • Introduction to Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and common tools
  • Overview of Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and common tools
  • Tips for selecting the appropriate security tools

7. DevSecOps Controls

  • Implementing security controls in DevSecOps
  • Security considerations during the Planning and Development phases
  • Ensuring security during code commits
  • Security practices in the Build and Test phases

8. Modern Application Development:

  • The rise of Microservices architecture
  • Comparing Microservices with Monoliths
  • Exploring the Relationship between Microservices and APIs
  • Advantages and disadvantages of adopting Microservices

9. Containerization:

  • What are Docker Containers?
  • Developing applications using Containerization
  • Advantages of Containerization
  • Drawbacks of Containerization

10. Information Security:

  • Distinguishing Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security, and Information Security
  • Essential Concepts of Information Security
  • Career opportunities in Information Security
  • Encryption techniques to protect sensitive data
  • Effective Policy Management
  • Password Management
  • Implementing Secure Development LifeCycles
  • Adhering to Standards, Best Practices, and Regulations
  • Conducting Threat Modeling and Risk Management

11. Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as Code:

  • What is Cloud?
  • What is Cloud Computing?
  • Cloud Service Providers and their offerings
  • Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • Various Cloud Service Models
  • Different Cloud Deployment Models

12. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment:

  • Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Defining Integration, Delivery, and Deployment
  • What is Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)?


  • Participants who want to achieve DevSecOps Certification should have a basic knowledge and understanding of the DevOps definition, principles, and knowledge of coding.

Exam Details

  • There will be a Multiple Choice Questions exam of 40 marks.
  • You need to acquire 26+ marks to clear the exam.
  • If you fail, you can retake the exam after one day.
  • In case Participant does not score passing percentage then they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.


1. What is the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification, and how is it relevant in the industry?

  • The GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification is a professional certification that demonstrates an individual’s expertise in integrating security practices into software development and operations processes. It is relevant in the industry because DevSecOps is becoming increasingly important for organizations looking to build and deploy secure software quickly and efficiently.

2. What are the unique benefits of acquiring the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification, and how does it enhance my career prospects?

  • Acquiring the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification can enhance your career prospects by demonstrating to employers that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to integrate security into the software development process. Additionally, it can increase your earning potential and provide opportunities for career advancement.

3. What are some of the challenges that DevSecOps engineers face in the industry, and how does the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification help me to overcome them?

  • DevSecOps engineers face challenges such as integrating security practices into existing development and operations processes, ensuring compliance with industry regulations, and keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in the field. The GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification helps to overcome these challenges by providing individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to address them.

4. How does the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification help me to ensure that my organization’s software development and deployment processes are secure and compliant with industry regulations?

  • The GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification helps individuals to ensure that their organization’s software development and deployment processes are secure and compliant by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to identify and mitigate security risks, implement security testing, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

5. What is the value of the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification in terms of professional development and recognition, and how can I leverage it to advance my career?

  • The GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification has value in terms of professional development and recognition because it demonstrates an individual’s expertise in DevSecOps engineering.

6. What are the typical job responsibilities of a GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer, and what kind of organizations hire them?

  • The typical job responsibilities of a GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer include integrating security practices into the software development and deployment process, identifying and mitigating security risks, ensuring compliance with industry regulations, and collaborating with other members of the development and operations teams. Organizations that hire GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineers include software development companies, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and government agencies.

7. What are the typical salary ranges for GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineers, and how does it compare to other roles in the field?

  • The salary ranges for GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineers vary depending on factors such as years of experience, location, and the organization. However, according to recent surveys, the average salary for a DevSecOps Engineer is higher than that of a traditional DevOps Engineer, indicating the increasing demand for security skills in the industry.

8. What are some of the career paths and opportunities for growth for GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineers?

  • Some potential career paths and opportunities for growth for GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineers include moving into leadership roles such as a DevSecOps Manager or Director of Security, transitioning into a different area of cybersecurity such as penetration testing or incident response, or starting their own security consulting or training company.

9. How can the GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification help me stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs in the field?

  • The GSDC Certified DevSecOps Engineer certification can help candidates stand out from other candidates by demonstrating their expertise in integrating security practices into software development and operations processes. It can also provide a competitive advantage by highlighting the candidate’s commitment to professional development and staying current with industry trends and best practices.

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As an Authorized Training Partner proudly associated with the Global Skills Development Council (GSDC), we at Training Estonia have over 27 years of experience empowering individuals and organizations through customized IT education. 

We get to know each learner, understand their goals, and create tailored training plans that provide cutting-edge skills aligned with the latest technologies. 

With certifications from the globally recognized GSDC and training from experts affiliated with institutions like Harvard, our learners are equipped with future-ready skillsets that allow them to advance their careers and businesses. We invite driven, ambitious learners to get in touch to see firsthand how our strategic approach unlocks their full potential.

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