Certification In Generative AI In Software Development

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Certification In Generative AI In Software Development

Original price was: €699.00.Current price is: €349.00.

Are you a professional looking to advance your skills and capabilities in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence? Look no further than the Generative AI IN Software Development certification offered by GSDC.

This certification provides an excellent opportunity for professionals to deepen their knowledge of core components of Generative AI, including code generation, natural language interfaces, bug identification, and AI ethics in software development contexts. Upon completion, certified professionals can demonstrate their ability to leverage generative AI tools for code automation, documentation enhancement, and software optimization.

Furthermore, those who earn this certification have a significant advantage in the job market as AI-powered software development continues to grow in demand. The Generative AI IN Software Development certification plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry.

Looking for a training center in Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania? Training Estonia, as a GSDC certified partner, provides expert instruction and comprehensive support to help you succeed in earning this valuable certification. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving field of AI-powered software development with the Generative AI IN Software Development certification from GSDC and Training Estonia.

Sample Certificate

What is Included

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Certify your achievement with a globally valid certification.

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Remain Competitive in AI Revolution: With the help of Generative AI Software Development Certification, you will stay at the forefront of the AI revolution. You will have a great opportunity to equip yourself with the latest skills, strategies and methods of Generative AI.


Increase your professional graph with required AI skills: Generative AI brings various possibilities for unleashing your creativity, which will allow you to create novel and innovative solutions and processes.


Know the latest upcoming trends in AI Revolution: This certification will help you to understand core concepts of Generative AI and the transformative power of the latest AI Revolution. You will also get to know how it has a positive impact on AI.


Growth in various Industrial Applications: Generative AI Software Development Certification allows you to get in-depth knowledge of generative AI and its techniques, and it will open the door for you to get exciting working opportunities.


Dive into the vibrant community of AI Enthusiasts: Enrol yourself in the certification course, which will help you to connect with the vibrant community of AI Enthusiasts, fostering collaboration as well as knowledge sharing.


Get the power of ChatGPT Technology: The Generative AI Software Development certification supports you to harness the power of ChatGPT technology, implemented through OpenAI, which enables you to develop advanced AI Chat systems.


Harness the power of ChatGPT technology: Get into AI adoption for industrial good: This certification has enough potential, and it empowers you to drive ethical AI adoption. It will also help you to understand that AI technologies are used for the betterment of the community.


Drive ethical AI adoption for societal good: The certification empowers you to drive ethical AI adoption, ensuring that AI technologies are used for the betterment of society.


Going through the above benefits of Generative AI, you will understand that you have positioned yourself as an exclusive and appreciated strength for both future employment opportunities.
Make sure you enroll in the Generative AI Certification and unlock your AI potential!




1. The certification helps professionals with AI skills for code automation.
2. It enables professionals to use generative AI in Natural Language Interfaces and Documentation.
3. This certification improves the understanding of ethical considerations in Generative AI for Software Development.
4. It supports professionals to boost their software development efficiency and quality with the help of Generative AI techniques.
5. It fosters innovation in software development with the help of integration of Generative AI..
6. It validates expertise in harnessing generative AI for software development processes.
7. It offers hands-on experience in using Generative AI models for code generation and augmentation


  • Chief Technical Officers
  • Chief Information Officers
  • Change Practitioners and Managers
  • Service Architects
  • Program/ Project Head
  • Web Developers
  • Engineers
  • Scientists
  • Business Consultants
  • Portfolio Strategists


1.Introduction to Generative AI:

  • Exploring the Fundamentals of Generative AI
  • Significance in Software Development
  • A Historical Perspective
  • Key Terminology and Concepts

2.Probability and Information Theory:

  • Delving into Probability Distributions
  • Grasping the Essentials of Information Theory
  • Understanding Kullback-Leibler Divergence

3.Generative Models:

  • Unpacking Generative Model Basics
  • Navigating the World of Autoencoders
  • Diving into Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)
  • Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

4.Deep Learning Essentials:

  • Leveraging generative AI for fraud detection and prevention
  • The Role of Activation Functions
  • Differentiating Loss Functions
  • Strategies for Regularization

5.Training Generative Models:

  • The Art of Data Preprocessing
  • Designing an Effective Training Loop
  • Specialized Loss Functions for Generative Models
  • Evaluating the Performance of Generative Models

6.Variational Autoencoders (VAEs):

  • Unveiling VAE Architecture
  • Grasping the Variational Inference Framework
  • Hands-On VAE Implementation
  • Realizing VAE Applications in Software Development

7.Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs):

  • Exploring the Inner Workings of GAN Architecture
  • Mastering the Training Process for GANs
  • Harnessing the Power of Conditional GANs
  • Utilizing GANs for Software Development Applications

8.Sequence Generation Models:

  • Introducing Sequence Models
  • Navigating Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
  • Unlocking Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks
  • Examining Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)

9.Transformer Models:

  • Deep Dive into the Transformer Architecture
  • Embracing the Attention Mechanism
  • Unleashing BERT and Its Variants
  • Applying Transformers in Software Development Scenarios

10.Ethical Considerations:

  • Addressing Bias and Fairness in Generative AI
  • Tackling Privacy Concerns
  • Frameworks for Ethical AI
  • Guidelines for Ethical AI Development


  • For Generative AI Software Development Certification, there is no need for any documents, although you must have programming knowledge. It will be beneficial for this certification..

Exam Details

  • 60-minutes exam.
  • 40-multiple choice questions (MCQ).
  • 26 out of 40-65% is needed to pass.
  • In case the participant does not score the passing percentage, they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.


1. What are the job opportunities I will get after completing this certification?

  • Once you become a certified generative AI in software development, you will have a wide range of job opportunities in Generative AI, such as Research scientists, Machine Learning engineers, Computer Vision engineers, Autonomous Systems engineers, AI Product Managers, AI ethicists, etc.

2. Are there any specific prerequisites I need to consider?

  • No, although you must have programming knowledge.

3. What is the future of Generative AI?

  • The future of Generative AI is promising, with the application working in different sectors. Therefore, here, Generative AI Software Development Certification will be beneficial for you.

4.Is this certification recognized globally

  • Yes, Generative AI software development certification is recognized globally and considered by all industries.

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As an Authorized Training Partner proudly associated with the Global Skills Development Council (GSDC), we at Training Estonia have over 27 years of experience empowering individuals and organizations through customized IT education. 

We get to know each learner, understand their goals, and create tailored training plans that provide cutting-edge skills aligned with the latest technologies. 

With certifications from the globally recognized GSDC and training from experts affiliated with institutions like Harvard, our learners are equipped with future-ready skillsets that allow them to advance their careers and businesses. We invite driven, ambitious learners to get in touch to see firsthand how our strategic approach unlocks their full potential.

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